Arthur Cherfaoui, immigration and matriarchy on his upcoming film, Plein Les Yeux

We recently saw a T-shirt claiming "Never Waste Talent" and the story of Arthur Cherfaoui seems to arrive in perfect timing. Brave, creative, sensitive, and aware of his talent, we interview today an actor, director, and filmmaker whose passion is contagious. 

When did you start your path as an actor, writer, and filmmaker and why? 

I guess I’ve always been making stories ever since I was a little kid. I started practicing drama when I was six years old and then kept embodying various characters. My career is starting to take off now with the development of a short slasher film I wrote and I am directing titled “Plein les Yeux”/ “Fool Eyes”. 

I always wanted to reach for characters and stories that are impactful and far away from me, to better understand the Human mind and heart. 

What are the main difficulties you have encountered in developing your artistic process?

As a freelancer without an agent, it’s very difficult to get out there and be seen. However it is such an enriching experience and process as you have to mark your spot by yourself and be recognised for your skills.

What is the achievement you are the most proud of till now? 

In terms of artistic projects, I would say my current project is the one I am the most focused on and proud of. The film is a mixture of my French and Algerian background, but also a love letter to the Horror genre and to fighting to gain legitimacy. The theme is “Community and Belonging”, and dives into the different aspects of what it is like to enter a new community, questions the hierarchy within these communities and really explores the kaleidoscope of immigrant communities and womanhood. 

You have a conscious regard on women and feminism in your art, what is the role that diversity plays in your creations? 

I have always been admirative of Women in general. 

As a man, you are born with social privileges that women do not have, and I felt that they have to fight through and play with the codes established by patriarchy and the male gaze to have access to the same respect and legitimacy, even today—sadly. 

Representation in general is a particularly important topic as it underlines how previous, current and new generations have evolved. Even though there has been progress for Women and Immigrants in the last decades, we can still see today that there is backlash and that most elites are trying to gatekeep the access to power and respect to these communities. I want to be an actor—both on and off screen— in the battle to gain access to the same rights as privileged majorities. 

Could you tell us a bit more about "Plein les yeux"/"Fool Eyes", currently in fundraising, what is it about, and how is the crowdfunding doing? 

The film follows the path of Aïcha, a twenty-two year old Algerian woman who migrated to France to escape a somber past. She finds refuge within a Portuguese matriarchy composed of Melania, a firm but fair single mother, who also migrated to France in the 1950’s with the hope of finding freedom and recognition. Her daughter Lucinda was born in France and does not have the same experience and as such is constantly trying to prove to the world, but mostly her Mother and Aïcha that she is as legitimate as them to be taken seriously, even though she did not go through the same path. These three women meet in July 1979, and as they form their own community, Aïcha’s past seems to be following her now in France. 

Sisterhood and sorority are key themes in the plot. 

Regarding the crowdfunding, it is going slowly but well. We sell merchandise packs so that donators get something to remember the film, and every donator will be listed in the credits.

What is the expected timeline for the production and distribution of the film? 

We are shooting in about a month, and then have to edit and copyright the film in order to distribute it. I would like it to be finished by the end of the year. We are almost done with pre-production and are now training regularly to make sure that we produce the best story we can.

Where can we find you (website, social media, etc.)? 

You can find me on Facebook as Arthur Cherfaoui, or on Instagram and X as @cherfacreation. If you wanna follow the updates on the film, the Facebook page is @PleinLesYeux and the Instagram is I also post regularly on my X profile about the development of the short film. Thank you for your attention and beware of the boogeyman…

Thank you, Arthur, for your time with us!

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