Meet Lynn, founder of 'L'amour innocent' a fashion & lifestyle blog

Today at Purcuapà Magazine we have the honour to introduce you to Lynn, content creator and founder of the blog 'L'amour innocent'.

We deeply admire the simplicity and yet elegant content that she kindly builds to inspire us all! Do not miss her replies to our interview below!  

When did you start creating content and how it became a professional activity?

I started a couple of years ago, but I can't tell exactly when it became what it is now. I started blogging/vlogging during my higher education. 

I really enjoyed watching YouTube so I bought a camera and started doing it myself. Back in the days I was also really into make-up and started trying out different things.

I shared those experiences on my blog and on my YouTube channel. As I started working full-time it wasn't possible to keep all those channels up to date.

So it shifted to Instagram and actually Instagram has got the best of both worlds. In my eyes it's not a professional activity. 

It's still a hobby for me and it always will be. It's a hobby where I get the chance to do a lot of fun stuff and once in a while get to make some money.

What has been your best moment as content creator till now?

I can't pinpoint an exact moment because I get excited every time a brand or a shop contacts me for a collaboration.

I'm really a small town girl so every time I see a message appearing, I do a little happy dance.

Those messages are a real honour to me.

What is your next challenge/ main objectives as content creator?

My challenge the last couple of years has been to reach 10K followers and we reached that in 2020.

My next objective would be 15K, but I'm also a little bit scared as in my opinion you have a certain responsibility when having so many followers.

I hope I can challenge myself more to be more creative in my content and also to inspire and connect with my community. 

Which advice would you give to someone wishing to start creating content professionally?

First of all I would advise to do it because you're passionate about something. If you're not, then you shouldn't start.

For me it's not my job, it's something I enjoy doing and I think in life that's the most important thing. 

© L'amour innocent

Where can we find you (social media/ web…)?

You can find me on Instagram: @lamourinnocent.
Hope to see you there!

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