Hello, good morning!

© Tatiana Antonova, Purcuapa Magazine
Today in Purcuapà Magazine we are grateful to welcome, as part of our series of interviews with woman entrepreneurs: Tatiana Antonova, from Antonova Photography.
Do not miss any of the replies!

© Tatiana Antonova, Purcuapa Magazine
1) When did you start photography? And why?
I started photography as a hobby when I was 18. As my birthday gift, I received from my parents my first half-professional camera. For a few days, I was playing with it and then realized that photography isn’t just about pushing buttons but a lot more (although pushing the right buttons was also a problem for me as for any beginner... -laughs-). So I decided to follow a professional photography course. That was the beginning of my photography way.
2) Up to know, what is the project that makes you the proudest?
Hm, this is a difficult question. One way or another I like all of my projects because all the time it’s kind of a challenge for me: when I take a camera I am never 100% sure of the result and I always doubt myself. Creating something artistic isn’t only about me and my camera — every time it is a team-work and every time I am very lucky with the people standing in front of or behind my camera.
3) Any recommendation to someone who would like to start as a professional photographer?
I think my recommendation counts for all the artistic people — not only for photographers:
never stop believing in yourself even if you're not happy with the result at this moment. Never stop learning: even if you are amazingly good at what you are doing, there is always someone who can be better, faster, and who can invent new things.
Inspire yourself with good movies or paintings or other photographers. I believe that every person can develop their "sense of art". The more we see — the more we understand and the more ideas we get.
4) Where people can find you?
Instagram is my main gallery, so welcome to my Instagram!
In Purcuapà Magazine, we regularly collaborate with Tatiana and we are convinced that her artistic sensitivity and capacity to make women feel at their best will bring her far. We will be following your path!
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